What to Wear for Your Maui Family Photography Session

Moms — I know you’re already busy organizing and packing for your dream family vacation to Hawaii. I know your list is already a mile long and probably growing! That’s why I’m here to help you plan what to wear for your Maui family photoshoot with ease. Yes, it’s another list, but I promise this one is worth the read! If you’re going to skip ahead and follow just ONE of my tips, check out tip number five!

Don’t worry, mama, if you’re reading this and you’re already in Hawaii, have no fear! You probably already have what you need with you.

With all of that being said, let’s dive into my five tips to help you choose outfits for everyone in your family so you feel ready for your session!


Number one is to ALWAYS choose comfort over aesthetics. I know you might really want your daughter to wear a particular dress or your son to wear cute suspenders. I totally get it. (Like, really get it.) But choose to have everyone wear something that they feel comfortable and happy in. Happy=beautiful smiles! Okay, now let’s start planning outfits!


Start with mom’s outfit. Once mom chooses her outfit, it’ll be much easier to plan everyone else’s. I usually suggest starting with mom because mom tends to have the biggest challenge finding the right outfit. Once she is done, the rest will be a breeze! If this person is dad in your family, start with dad!


Here’s the thing, these are YOUR photos. If you really want to go bold, please go for it! Otherwise, I recommend sticking to classic outfits like summery dresses for mom and girls and polos for dad and boys. You can never go wrong with plain T-shirts for boys either. Below I’m sharing some specific ideas!

outfit Ideas for moms and daughters

  • Dresses 

  • Blouse and skirt

  • Rompers

family photo outfit ideas for dads

  • Polo 

  • Button-down

  • Hawaiian shirts 

  • Khaki shorts

outfit ideas for boys of all ages

  • Plain T-shirts 

  • Hawaiian shirts

  • Polo 

  • Khaki shorts


Again, these are your photos! I want you to let your personality shine through. I tend to recommend minimal accessories like jewelry, hats, etc. The reason I recommend this is so that there’s no distraction from your beautiful family!


If you take away ANYTHING from this blog post, please have everyone try on their outfit before packing it up and for sure before the day of the session! You don’t want to realize that your son’s shirt doesn’t fit or that your daughter’s dress has a hole as you’re heading to the session. Let’s avoid this situation! Have everyone try on their clothes in advance, and you can fix anything ahead of time. If something happens the day of the session, don’t stress! We’ll figure it out.


I’m SO excited for you! Whether it’s your first time in Maui or your 20th, there’s always something magical about being here. I’m so glad you’re taking family photos here and know that you will treasure these photos forever. If there’s anything I can help you with, please just let me know. 

If you’re researching and haven’t booked with me yet, please reach out! I’d LOVE to photograph your family!


10 Must-See Spots and Things to Do In Maui